Finding the right job might be a daunting and stressful task. It requires you to simultaneously leave the security and familiarity of your current workplace and bet on the uncertainty that comes with a new position, employer, and co-workers.
If you are trying to make this decision and feeling a little stressed, here are four major things you should consider before accepting that job offer.
Everyone knows that job satisfaction hinges on more than just the job itself. Meaning, job satisfaction is more than being happy and comfortable with the tasks you will be performing on a day-to-day basis. Job satisfaction also requires you to be comfortable with the company you will be working for.
When deciding if a job is right for you, you must consider whether the employer would also be a good fit. Spend time learning about the organization’s values and its culture. See if you share the same values. If not, you may not want to commit to working there.
Also note that company culture can overcome a lack of skills or qualifications you may not have. If you add value to a company’s desired culture, you may still come out ahead of other talent.
Learning about your potential co-workers and superiors is just as important as learning about the culture and values of an organization. It is much easier to work in an environment where you get along with those around you. And the inverse can make your work life miserable and create a toxic workplace.
Do a little digging online and through your network to learn about those working at the organization you are thinking of joining.
A major consideration when deciding if a job is good for you is whether there are opportunities for advancement, and how this new role will help you progress towards your career goals.
This is particularly important if you are overqualified for the job you are considering. Sometimes it is worth applying even if you are overqualified because the new job will allow you to quickly advance within an organization you are passionate about. This is equally true if the role will pay dividends in shaping your career.
The right job is not always the job that pays the most. As discussed, there are certainly other things to keep in mind. But you have bills to pay and an eventual retirement to save for. If your job does not fund your lifestyle or cover your needs, it will be hard to remain motivated.
If you have an offer, learn how the salary compares to other similarly situated organizations in the industry. Also, make sure to consider cost of living if you are going to relocate.
Also remember that compensation is more than just salary. Look into what other benefits are provided. Many companies are coming up with increasingly creative benefit packages to attract and retain top talent. Is your new employer offering benefits that would benefit you?
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